Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I'm Back Baby - For Real This Time?

Okay… after 2 years and 2 months away, I have finally decided that this blogging business is worth it.

Here’s why I will be blogging once again:
-Learning to write more succinctly is a skill that needs constant sharpening
-I like having a place to say stuff
-At least 2 people have asked me about it in the last 26 months
-It takes discipline. I need more of that
-Writing is really fun, and I claim it is my favorite thing to do, so… I better do it

I believe in the near future I will cover such topics as: heaven and hell, global missions opportunities, whether America is going down the crapper, the minor prophets, marriage budgets, editing books, the value of graduate school education, human capital, where we find our value, and what the Church can learn from the American college fraternity…

1 comment:

  1. Randall, I'm glad you're back at it. Even if I never saw your old stuff... I'm looking forward to the new stuff. We miss you guys terribly.

    By the way, my word for the word verification is skalipig. Awesome.
