Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Ask me a question...

There are some great question-askers turned authors out there these days. I could list them off, but you already know who they are. The ones it is cool to talk about in the coffee shops (like the one I am in now), the ones who you name drop to your friends wearing the thick-rimmed glasses, the ones who attempt to "spare you the religion" and get right to the point. While these writers conjure up new choices and indecision, I am left to search for the answers.

I read them all. But somehow I am always left parched. Licking my lips like some dog who doesn'’t understand why the sun is still so hot even after I lapped up all that water; I am still left to my own devices just like before. Except now I am armed with a whole sack full of new questions and observations. I still don't know what I am supposed to do. Tons of great questions are being asked, but very few definitive, good old fashioned, objective answers are claimed. We have got to claim truth, not run from conflict.

And until I can find the "“perfect"” group to worship with and experience God alongside, I am left treading water. But that is not right. Should I look for the perfect group? Or should I take what I am given and roll with it?

As new questions emerge, old answers still stand strong.

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