Friday, May 29, 2009

This isn't just a blog about life issues... I promise. But read this:

So, while I do believe that bringing God into the equation of life is critical--it really is refreshing when someone who claims to not believe in God at all will de-politicize an issue and make a solid, morally based argument:

A pro-life atheist tells why the tides might be turning

I believe that drawing an arbitrary line in the sand determining when life starts or doesn't start in the womb is ludicrous. Life starts at conception. Ending life after that is the same 2 weeks after conception, 2 months after conception, or 2 years after conception. But even if you might disagree with my claims there, you might want to tread lightly just in case I might be right.

So, I don't really think there should be a question here. But let's say you have questions and you believe that one person's privacy is able to cover up another person's right to life--what if you are wrong? 

If I am wrong (and we stopped all abortions now) then the worst case scenario is more life. If you are wrong (even a little bit) then there are thousands and thousands and millions of deaths on your hands...

Couldn't have said it better myself:

"If you oppose selective abortions, but not abortion overall, I wonder why? How is terminating the fetus because it's the wrong sex any worse than terminating the fetus for convenience's sake? The fate of the fetus does not change, only the reasoning for its extinction does."

Hmmm... Thank you Denver Post reporter guy for this article.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Why is anyone worth anything?


I appreciate this post because the author is right on in not making his own argument, but in merely placing the facts right there on the table.

Can't argue with that (well, I guess some people would, but their arguments are based on fear, ignorance, and selfishly wanting to have their own way--no matter who gets in the way).

I know I don't have the ability to place, take, or otherwise move someone else's worth.